24th Jan 2018 Balnagowan

Results, splits and RG on Maroc website

Courses Long: 5.2km, 11 controls Medium: 3.0km, 11 controls

Balnagowan. Deceptively difficult in places with subtle contour detail. Sporadic windblow in places but courses avoid the worst of this. Long course will visit the northern hill. Medium will loop round the south eastern part and will use one control twice so read the map carefully.

Parking is in the same place as Coull event. On the track 1km North of the junction in Aboyne with the B9094 Tarland Road. It can be muddy. Please park carefully and avoid getting stuck or blocking anyone in. There is plenty space on the side of the track further down if the main area at the top is full.

Starts between 6-7pm please. Courses close at 8:30. Results should be up in record time.


Posted on January 17, 2018, in old results. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Hoping to do this one with Catriona, but she has a dance class in Banchory until 6.30pm. I reckon we can get there by 7pm but no earlier. Will this be OK?

  2. Yes, no problem. I’m flexible. Don’t miss out.

  3. Thanks Drew

  4. Drew – thanks very much for the course. Definitely caught me out on 3 (medium), attacked off wrong crag. Better excuse than being abducted by aliens like some claim (see Rachel’s routegadget plot) 🙂

  5. I had a chuckle when I saw Rachel’s route gadget!

    Really enjoyable course.

  6. On a more serious note – did anyone from Marocland cycle to the event? We passed someone en route back towards Banchory who looked like they might have been an orienteer and who had the teeniest, tiniest of lights on the back of the bike. It was only the reflectors on the back of the pedals bobbing up and down that made us realise at the last minute that there was someone there. If it was you, please check your light’s working next time.

  7. I thought it was one of the best DNC events so far this year, Drew. I liked the planning a lot – a good mix of leg lengths and using the best bits, with several controls which were distinctly hard to attack at night. The map was well prepared, with everything correct on the CDs … which is definitely not always the case 🙂 And you arranged the great weather!
    Very well done.

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